Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Unlocking Your Full Potential: The Science of Human Optimization

Improve your life in 2024

This is a talk I gave at The Silverback Summit in Austin. This was the best health optimization event I have EVER been a part of. The speakers and attendees all came together to help propel men’s health, and it left a lasting impact on me! I plan to attend every Silverback event as either a speaker or a guest for as long as they continue. I highly recommend everyone sign up for next year’s summit here and make sure you come say hi!

Also, if you missed this year and want to hear more talks like this (including Bedros, Stan Efferding, Dave Lee, Dr. Jordan Grant, and numerous other leaders in the men’s health space) you can purchase the recordings here:
• USE CODE ATLAS 10% off
• USE CODE ATLAS 10% off
• Custom Nutrition Coaching

0:00 This is not a self help video
2:23 Who am I?
6:40 What is “Optimization”
7:53 3 Vectors to Improve Your Life
9:00 Optimizing Physiologic Health
9:50 Metabolic Health
10:30 Insulin Resistance
18:34 Thyroid Health
24:30 Cardiovascular Health
36:15 Improve You Psychological Health
39:35 Improve Your Spiritual Health
46:00 Recap
46:46 Questions


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11 thoughts on “Unlocking Your Full Potential: The Science of Human Optimization
  1. ….boy that whole spiritual / religion question…..a lifetime pursuit for some to fit it in the right perspective for self….great to shine a light on our health

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