Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Use a sauna bag or dome to keep Healthy and Keep Gardening!!

Saunas have been found to have huge health benefits, but many people dislike using them. More recently Sauna domes and sauna bags have been developed that have many of the same health benefits. People who hate traditional saunas find them far more enjoyable to use. Your head is out of the heat. Additionally, they are far cheaper to buy and to run, so you can have one at home. Bunny has found using them regularly has significantly reduced her stiffness, increased her energy levels, improved her sleep, her circulation, her complexion, and her mood. Research shows saunas reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia by 60-66% (with 4-7 saunas per week), they reduce the stroke risk by 40% if used with this frequency too. The hypertension risk is lowered by 46% with this level of use and strokes reduced by 40%. Sudden cardiac death comes down by 63% when used at the same frequency. They reduce low level inflammation and highly effective for detoxing too. Are sauna domes and bags as good for your health as traditional saunas? Bunny talks to Dr Sarah Myhill who advocates their use and has conducted trials with them.

Sauna Dome Firezone from £669.00
Sauna Bag £380.00
Sunshine Salts from
Sunshine Salt 300 g – Sales at Dr Myhill › sunshine-salt-300-g…
Dr Sarah Myhill
“Ecological Medicine” due out in Jan. £25.

Photo credit Andrew Crowley for The Telegraph
Video Unity Guinness

#homesaunas #healthandfitness


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