Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

We don’t want zombie mitochondria! #biology #body #biohacking #immunesystem

What are the causes of long covid? Dr. Irene Ching delves into this topic and its connection to mitochondrial dysfunction. She explains that long COVID is characterised by persistent fatigue, breathlessness, weakness, and other symptoms, and explores the mechanisms behind these symptoms. Dr. Ching discusses the role of mitochondria, the powerhouse of our cells, in producing energy and how mitochondrial dysfunction can contribute to long COVID. Dr. Ching also provides insights into potential treatments and strategies to improve mitochondrial health, such as nutrient supplementation, intermittent fasting, exercise, and specialised therapies like hyperbaric oxygen therapy and phosphatidylcholine therapy. 


Long COVID is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, which affects the energy production in our cells.
Mitochondrial dysfunction in long COVID is caused by the inability to recycle and protect mitochondria from oxidative damage.
Long COVID can lead to chronic inflammation and autoimmune reactions, including the production of antibodies against cardiolipin protein.
Improving mitochondrial health through nutrition, fasting, exercise, and certain therapies can help alleviate the symptoms of long COVID.
Specialised treatments such as phosphatidylcholine therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and methylene blue treatment may also be beneficial in improving mitochondrial function.

“So what happened in long COVID essentially is that there is a system in the body due to COVID infection, that stops the mitochondria from being recycled, from being tagged and being destroyed and being recycled.” 

“That’s why people are so tired because their mitochondria, which is the power, is not being recycled and it stays zombified.” 

“So hence, if you’ve got a poor lifestyle, that means you’re somebody who does not exercise, you have more lipos tissue. Lipos tissue means more fat, which is obviously poor inflammation. So hence, that creates a lot of inflammation.” –

“I want to say this, hopefully when your mitochondria get improved, your long COVID will improve, the chronic fatigue will go away and you’re going to have more energy.” 

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Dr Irene Ching is a medical practitioner who specialises in Family Medicine, Wealth and Life Coach, Property/ Business Investor, Speaker, and Podcaster : Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy. Dr Ching speaks on health, wellness and wealth in talks, workshops and events. She has her own coaching programme on money mindset – Quantum Wealth Creation Accelerator (online course with weekly coaching). She approaches health and well-being in a holistic way and encourages people to look at all the areas of their lives. In her coaching sessions, she works with emotional freedom techniques, energy works, NLP, Intuition/ Superconscious mind, Inner child healing, Timeline therapy, Self love works, behavioural change, goal settings and money attraction healing. Her motto: Reset Your Mind, Reset Your life.

The podcast Be Happy Healthy and Wealthy is aimed at people who wants to be high achievers who perform at their peak performance in all aspects of life. It is about how we could be happy regardless of our circumstances, and to understand the secrets to real health and wealth; especially how to live a prosperous long life. She has been interviewing successful entrepreneurs, keynote speakers, influencers and millionaires on this important subject. So stay tuned to get the deep dive on how to be happy, healthy and wealthy- the million dollar questions!


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