Thursday, July 4, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

What is Health?

Do you want thrive with beauty, energy, fertility, mobility, and longevity?

Or, do you want to live a life dependent on pharmaceutical drugs and surgery to survive?

The truth is, disease and disability do not need to be your destiny. Aging does not have to be fraught with pain and endless suffering.

I will be your guide and help you find the keys to unlock the doors to this hidden knowledge containing the elixir of lifelong health.

Health is not as simple as the absence of illness. Calling it “a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing” is a bit utopian and overly idealistic. The best definition I have found is: “The ability to adapt and to self-manage, in the face of social, physical and emotional challenges.”

I created this course to give you beautifully presented, well-researched information and instructions on how to make health actionable so you can design your own healthspan plan. The Healthspan Journey Course will inspire you to live a more mindful existence and find freedom to use technology when it serves you or disconnect when it brings distraction.

Your Healthspan Journey is your window into state of the art personal health technologies and lifestyle secrets of the super successful. Integrating vetted research, lifestyle advice, and inspiration, Dr. Molly invites you to cultivate a purposeful and liberated existence. I’ll share with you cutting edge wellness methodologies equipping you to navigate your journey towards true health with confidence. I’ll also give you an insider’s perspective of the health care industry, so if you get sick, you know exactly what to do to protect yourself.

Anyone can go from average to optimal health by learning to use your body’s innate intelligence to adapt and thrive. I will show you how. I urge you to sign up for my Healthspan Journey Course. You will get 20 Lectures (about 50 minutes each) explaining the 4 Pillars of your Healthspan: Making Connection, Mastering Stress,Maintaining Mobility, Managing Metabolism. Not only that, I have provided all of the tools and tactics I personally used as a Doctor and to improve and then optimize my own health. I taught this course at Stanford for over three years and now I am ready to share it with the rest of the world!

You’ll be empowered with latest knowledge, tools, and strategies to blaze your unique trail towards peak wellness and personal transformation. Here are the kinds of things I regularly share:
-Expert advice on wellness lifestyle design
-Modern medical science discoveries
-Reviews of favorite optimal health products
-Innovations in personalized medicine
-New insights on human potential
-Reflections on the history of wellness
-Favorite food as medicine recipes
-Proven supplement recommendations

For the month of January, you can get my online course for only $500 (MSRP $1500) when you pre-order my book, The Spark Factor! Link below and on my website to enter your name and order # for access to the entire pre-sale offer and discounted access to the course within it. Don’t miss out!
Pre-order book here:
Claim your free gifts & course discount here:

Find Dr. Molly:
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#SparkFactor #ReigniteYourSpark #biohacker #optimization #motivation #health #life #nutrition #lifestyle #positive #inspiration #fit #happiness #power #wellness


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