Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

What is NMN? Benefits of NMN? How and when to use NMN? Is it Safe to use NMN? | Decode Age

NMN or Nicotinamide Mononucleotide increases the levels of NAD+ in the body. NAD+ is an active coenzyme that is involved in more than 500
processes within each and every cell of the body. But, as we age, the levels of NAD+ reduces
in our body. Hence, the 500 processes that involved in DNA repair, energy production, blood
vessel formation, and many others start shutting down. Maintaining adequate NAD+ levels
increases repair function in the body, and makes sure that the conversion of food to energy
happens without creating any side effects in the cells.
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0:00 Introduction
0:07 Why NMN Uthever and Purity Evidence of NMN in Decode Age?
0:53 What is an NMN supplement good for and why it is so important?
1:33 What is the best time to take NMN?
1:52 How does NMN slow down ageing?
2:14 Can it be consumed during Pregnancy?
2:36 Can NMN supplements Restore Fertility?
2:50 How old do you have to be to take the NMN?
3:15 How much NMN would the Scientist Take?
4:01 Can NMN help in weight loss?
4:40 Does NMN increase appetite?
5:03 Why should you consume NMN not Niacin?
5:50 Can NMN be used to Enhance Your Fertility?
6:13 Can it be used to Enhance Skin and Hair?
6:43 Is NMN Safe for Diabetics?
7:24 Does NAD increase Dopamine?
7:45 What is Decode Age Vision?


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