Monday, May 13, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Day 467 – Metabolic Switching Benefits: Heals Your Mitochondria

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Metabolic switching is magic to your mitochondria. Often referred to as the powerhouses of your cells, your mitochondria perform two key functions: They provide you with energy and detox your cells. They take in glucose and nutrients from the foods you eat and turn them into adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, the biochemical name for energy. Every function of your body needs ATP to work properly. Without a proper surplus of ATP you will feel depleted, run-down, and stuck with your health. Some of the hardest-working parts of your body have the densest amounts of mitochondria: your heart, liver, brain, eyes, and muscles. There can be several indications that your mitochondria are struggling. You may notice less muscle power in your workouts, you might find yourself sleepy often or chronically fatigued, your brain may be foggy and you have trouble concentrating, or you may struggle to go without food. We are seeing that the mitochondria are indicators of our health. For years, chronic disease was blamed on unfortunate genetics. Recent discoveries from researchers like Thomas Seyfried, author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, have challenged this theory, stating that it’s not our genetics that cause disease but rather malfunctioning mitochondria. Expanding upon the notable work of Otto War-burg, Nobel Prize winner for his research on the acidic changes that happen within cancer cells, Dr. Seyfried brought to light that disease begins in the mitochondria.1 Once the mitochondria malfunction, disease can ensue inside the cell.

Dr. Seyfried’s research opened the door for other studies to follow looking at the mitochondrial changes that happen in a multitude of chronic diseases. Metabolic switching has a positive impact on these mitochondria, which use both glucose and ketones for fuel. When you eat, these little miracle machines take in the glucose that enters your cells and turns it into energy. When you fast, you make ketones that also get gobbled up by your mitochondria to be used for energy. When your mitochondria are sick, they become less efficient at using glucose, often leaving you tired after a meal. Periodic switching into different fasted states creates ketones that will repair your mitochondria and make them more capable of using glucose to your benefit. Detoxing is the second critical job your mitochondria performs for you. It does this in two ways—it produces glutathione and controls methylation. Glutathione is your master antioxidant, credited with reducing oxidative stress, lowering cellular inflammation, improving insulin sensitivity, regenerating skin, helping with conditions like psoriasis and diseases such as Parkinson’s, and having an overall positive effect on cardiovascular health. Methylation is a complex cellular process that can be simply explained as the pathway in which your cells push toxins out. When your mitochondria are healthy, they turn on methylation and swiftly escort toxins out of your cells. When your mitochondria are damaged, you will be low in glutathione, not methylating properly and therefore allowing toxins to stay stuck inside, leading to inflammation, damaged cell parts, and in some cases allowing disease genes to be triggered. As you learn to metabolically switch, you begin to heal these mitochondria and restore cellular health.

From “Fast Like a Girl” –

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