Monday, May 13, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Got Tinnitus? Let’s Fix It!

Tinnitus can range from annoying to debilitating. That ringing in your ears can drive many to a life of despair. Liam Boehm claims he has helped thousands find SILENCE for the first time in years through his protocol focusing on getting to the root cause of nerve inflammation. I have helped reverse tinnitus often in my practice with a similar approach, but Liam adds some layers I never considered. Listen and tell me what you think below!

For more from Liam, follow him on IG @liam_stops_tinnitus or his website

This is NOT a paid endorsement of any kind.

Dr. Rimka offers private consultations, remote brain therapies such as Neurofeedback and Tomatis Sound Therapy, group ADHD, Autism, Mold, and Lyme illness support and recovery, group parasite cleanses, an online DIY E-learning center with a variety of health courses, and healing in-person retreats.
To book or shop in her online store:

Dr. Stephanie Rimka is a health coach, holistic functional medicine doctor, epigenetics coach, neurofeedback therapist, chiropractor, and recent recipient of Best Media’s Reader’s Choice Award for Best Mental Health Clinic Atlanta. She has been in private practice seeing patients specializing in neurological disorders such as Autism, anxiety, ADHD, depression, and memory loss.

Dr. Rimka offers an online e-learning center which includes online courses. To learn more click here:

To shop her online store of her favorite products such as skincare, red light panels, brain therapy devices, sauna, and quality assured supplements such as quercetin, NAC, zinc, and peptides, click here:


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