Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Healthy Sun Exposure

Step by step to building #healthy sun exposure. When most people think healthy sun exposure they think sunscreen, sunglasses and hiding from the sun. Would an orange tree produce fruit if you threw a tarp over it? Absolutely not! the same is true of our bodies, you cannot hide from the sun and be #healthy In fact doing so by living and indoor lifestyle, wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, glasses or contacts and never signaling UV light to the body is one of the most harmful things you can do. Our bodies need this crucial mitochondrial, electrical chemical and cellular signaling light to perform all the bodies major functions and to thrive. It’s very logical that the body would produce its own internal sunscreen. Why would the thing that is the center of our solar system and the key to all life on the planet be inherently harmful? I am not saying get sun burnt or be cavalier, more saying there is a healthy way to approach sun exposure. Step 1 watch sunrise, or get A.M. sunlight on as much of your body and in your eyes as you can. Step 2 remove all things from eyes and skin that block crucial UV signaling as mentioned above, block blue light with blue light blocking glasses use links in my bio for discounts on 4 brands I support for that, consume minerals I like @beam.minerals Code AC20 this ensures mitochondrial, electrical and chemical signaling in body, as well as energy production in #mitochondria and electrical efficiency. Step 3 consume healthy fatslike DHA omega 3 from sea food, #grassfed animal fats like tallow, ghee, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado and so on. Eat a hyper #localdiet eating #localfood contains a unique electromagnetic barcode that tells your body to produce things like melatonin, align #circadianrhythm and produce compensatory sun protective mechanisms- include colorful foods containing #polyphenols these feed good gut bacteria and help protect skin from sun just like they do in plants. Step 4- #grounding or going barefoot on dirt ensures adequate cell redox or net negative charge in cells and again makes your body an affective electrical system. #healthcoach#lifestyle#lifestylecoach#lightcoach @airestech


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