Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

How does Mitochondria help you lose fat(two ways to improve Mitochondria for fat loss)

Mitochondria are the power House of our cells, for fat loss to occur fatty acids must be moobilized from our fat stores and transported to Mitochondria for Oxidation ; which means Mitochondria can get rid of body fat.
if your goal is to loose fat, this video is for you.
Mitochondria produce up to 90% of the energy that sustains our organs and bodily functions, but
Without them, or if they malfunction, we can become metabolically deranged too fat and sick which may possibly lead to death.

You may also like to watch this:
7 amazing health benefits of eating at least one egg daily

Music:VN vlog music.

Through a series of biochemical reactions,
these little powerhouses convert the food we eat into ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
which is the energy our body uses to perform functions such as breathing, talking,walking or lifting weights etc.

Mitochondria are not just the “power House of our cells” they perform other important functions necessary for sustaining Life.
through regular Exercise and good diet , you can improve your Mitochondria density and Efficiency for a better health and longer life.


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