Monday, May 13, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

It can help round wolves to stop human aging of anti -life researchers

#Roundworms #worm #c.elegans #antiaging
Round wolves, which have only two to three weeks of life, are frequently used in aging studies. This means that it is usually possible to quickly get the results of the study. Researchers are translated into or reversed how round wolf aging is affected by mitochondrial dysfunction and some of this decrease can be stopped or reversed.They tried to learn more about it could be turned upside down. Brandon J. Berry, chief author study, is a post -doctoral man Professor Matt Kaeberlein’s laboratory at University of Washington.Andrew P. Wojtovich, a researcher Rochester Medical Center in York, is elderly, and relevant writers study. An adult hermaphrodite C. Elelegans worm.wikimedia Commons Why mitochondria membrane? Each mitochondria surrounds. There are accordion -style pleats in the inner layer. Age -related decreases in the formation potential are recorded in previous modeling studies by others. Many basic functions such as synthesis of energy molecules of these cellular organelles, such as immunological signaling and genetic regulation are directed by mitochondrial membrane potential. “The decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential is an attractive explanation of aging for complex dysfunctions. However, the reduction of mitochondria voltage potential is unclear whether or not cellular aging is a cause or result.”Said. In order to achieve the difficult goal of confirmation of causality, the researchers used optogenetics, technology that uses light to fully manipulate a biological process in cell. Using a proton pump actively, they were able to increase the mitochondrial membrane potential in the cells of adult round wolves.-ON “.


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