Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Nitric Oxide The Miracle Molecule- Pt. 2 Full Interview w/ Slides & Diagrams! Beth Shirley RPH, CCN

Bio-Beth Shirley, RPh, CCN, DANLA

Beth developed an expertise as a pharmacist and certified clinical
nutritionist during a 40+ year career. Her specialties include stress-induced
hormonal imbalance, intestinal dysfunction, autoimmune and chronic
inflammatory issues, detoxification, nutrigenomics and super-normal
oxidative stress.

She has been a pioneer at the cutting edge of the evolution of what has
now come to be known as “Integrative Pharmacy” – the junction between
traditional pharmacy and the clinical use of nutritional supplementation.
Since 2009, Beth has spent time working with some of the leading thought
leaders in the world of nitric oxide research and through this has developed
an in-depth knowledge on the topic and its potential applications in patient
In addition, she has worked closely with the scientific community
and cutting-edge companies working on innovative nutritional ingredients
and approaches to their use for a variety of life’s challenges.
Currently – Executive Director of Berkeley Life’s Scientific Advisory Board.

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Disclaimer: Also consult with a physician before starting a new rehab exercise, training routine, diet, or dietary supplement. This video is for educational purposes only. Always ask your doctor or physcian for personalized medical advice.


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