Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

What we’re getting WRONG about metabolic health & weight: Robert Lustig, M.D. | mbg Podcast

Robert Lustig, M.D.: “The fat in the organs, the fat in the liver, the fat in the muscles that you can’t measure by standing on a scale—it’s the fat you can’t see that makes all the difference.”

Lustig, a pediatric neuroendocrinologist and New York Times bestselling author, joins mbg co-CEO, Jason Wachob, to discuss how to actually know if you’re metabolically healthy, plus:

– What you need to know about nutrition labels

– Why obesity is a red herring when it comes to metabolic health

– The truth about alternative flours

– Why treating chronic diseases is not “draggable” but “foodable”

– Why you should always protect the liver & feed the gut

Note: this episode was recorded in May 2021

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13 thoughts on “What we’re getting WRONG about metabolic health & weight: Robert Lustig, M.D. | mbg Podcast
  1. The thing with salt is that they put way too much of it in food to preserve food and people’s tastebuds grow to crave salty foods.
    Too much salt is not good. Homeostasis requires balance. The reductionist approach that it is one thing or another. I do not think most people are savvy enough to understand condiments, salad dressings, canned soups, even organic whole grain bread has added fats, sodium and so on. People are used to convenience foods. TYVM great discussion, I’m just thinking sometimes people hear what they want. It is important to watch your sodium levels and it can influence bp if you have too much.

  2. We simply cannot track our food from beginning to end. Big food, big pharma and big government are not looking out for us! Money, power and greed is sadly paramount on this planet. So, eat real whole foods, nothing in a bag or box with a bar code and avoid fast foods. Stay away from sugar and keep your carbs low. Your body will take care of the rest and serve you well. Then move on and enjoy your life! ❤️

  3. We evolved to consume simple, real foods, largely based on our environment and over a couple hundred thousand years, more or less. Our evolution cannot possibly keep pace with the modern world and the profit seeking "Big Food, Big Pharma" industrial complex that has developed at an insane rate of speed. And, it should not have to. Sadly, we have gone beyond the point of no return. Just as our mental health is suffering due to over stimulation – that's mostly driven by technology – our physical health is suffering due to our sedentary lifestyles and the availability of processed and ultra-processed foods. It's not that we are inherently lazy and want to eat this junk… it's that our evolution is driving us to do so. We simply cannot resist the low hanging fruit.

  4. Lustig is great. He really knows his stuff. Someone has to get out there in front. You can see how this frustrates him (the organizations that keep doing things the current way).

  5. He says he's a pescatarian obviously farm raised is bad but what wild fish can you eat regularly that's not full of mercury and other crap? I wish he would address this in a video.

  6. Dr. Lustig doesn't know everything. What he doesn't know is 3 years ago after a not so good doctors appointment about my high blood pressure, overweight, fatty liver and sky high triglycerides I turned to YouTube for information and ran across his first video on sugar. It was so mind boggling I kept going to other videos he spoke on and made all of the changes he recommended. Before 12 months past I dropped 52 pounds, stopped taking 7 medications, 4 which were prescription and had that 20 year old feeling again at the age of 61. I would love to tell him thank you and hope he reads this post. I consider myself an educated person but I was so dumb in all this health and nutrition stuff. I am also a little upset I had to go to YouTube to learn this while going for physicals every 6 months with my PCP that only threw a pill at a symptom instead of how to totally avoid that symptom through diet. BP averages 125/65, triglycerides went from 388 to 44, triglyceride divide by HDL= 0.38 and I take nothing now.

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