Thursday, June 27, 2024
Cold Thermogenesis

Why counting calories is BULLSH*T!

Before anyone gets fiesty in the comments, realize that calories in and calories out is still the golden rule. I’m not saying that physics (more specifically thermodynamics) is broken. I’m not saying you are broken.

Part 2:
I am simply saying that there are a LOT of factors that go into the equation, and this makes it nearly impossible to use accurately for most people. This video is the first part; I’ll link the second when it’s up. Probably tomorrow. Maybe. We’ll see.

This video examines the CALORIES OUT side of things.

1:05 Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) varies a ton. This alone could be a few hundred calories off.

2:09 Activity Levels also vary, and you don’t really know how many calories you are burning through exercise. Yes, a calculator can tell you that you are burning 127 calories per mile of running…but think logically here…that’s just an average as well, and it could easily be 10%, 20% or even 30% off. Even counting how much exercise is not easy.
2:46 Weight training and HIIT training create Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption…they raise your metabolism afterwards. Burn victims can have up to 80% higher metabolic rates. Crazy right!
3:30 Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) also varies a TON…this alone can be hundreds and hundreds of calories per day
3:55 Environment is a huge factor as well. Shivering can burn up to 400 calories per hour…even if it is a quarter of that, it’ll add up. High temperatures can also increase energy expenditure.
4:17 Hormones, especially thyroid can have a massive impact on metabolism…and you have no idea if this is having an impact unless you are legit hyper or hypo thyrodic.
4:45 Thermic effect of food. What you are eating matters, as well. Nothing is free of energy, and that includes digesting food. Protein takes the most, about 30% of the calories in it are needed to break it down. Carbs, about 10%, fats about 1-3%, though it can be more.
5:59 Water intake is even huge…every liter of cold water that you drink is gonna be about 46 calories to warm up to body temperature. Nothing is free. It takes energy to do that, which comes from fat or carbs.

6:20 stimulants can also increase metabolism. Like coffee, caffeine or other stimulants that start with the word C. hahhahahha

All of this adds up to where you cannot reliably predict your calories OUT on a daily basis. If you found a way…I’m impressed.

Because if you are off by even 10 calories per day, which is basically the metablic equivalent of seeing an attractive person walk by…that’s 3650 calories per year, or a pound of fat gained or lost.

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