Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health


πŸ”₯ SOULWORK SPECIAL EVENT πŸ”₯ Live Readings, Energy Work, Spiritual Badassery
To purchase an expedited request, please visit: http://emmieevolving.com/shop/sws001

Join me for another amazing LOVESTREAM!! I will be doing badass energetic work & clairvoyant readings! I also have expedites available for more advanced energetic work and activations. Please check out the link below for my full offerings for this love stream.

Please subscribe to my channel and turn on the notifications so you know when I go live!

To learn my unique method of working energy, please join my weekly classes here:

For private sessions please visit:

Do you need guidance on an issue you have been struggling with? Write to me and I’ll answer your question live!

To HELP US build the Sanctuary, please visit:

Follow me on:

For speaking engagements, booking inquiries, or other projects you’d like to consider me for, please email [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: The Peaceful Warrior Project, LLC can make no claims or promises as to the factuality of ideas and perspectives present within The Peaceful Warrior Project (PWP) teachings/sessions, they likewise cannot offer any claims, promises, or guarantees as to the affects or effects that may or may not arise through personal use of PWP teaching or meditations for SPIRITUAL EXPLORATION techniques and technologies. The responsibility for decision to engage involvement with PWP teachings, techniques, sessions or technologies rests with each individual, and thus the responsibility for any affects or effect that may or may not occur in conjunction with use of PWP teachings, techniques and technologies must also rest with the individual. The meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies provided within PWP teachings represent translations from the ancient texts, and are provided to the public as an option for personal spiritual exploration, investigation and experimentation, to be utilized at the personal discretion of the reader or workshop/livestream attendee.

As stated, in choosing to utilize PWP teachings, techniques, sessions, or technologies it is understood that in doing so the individual accepts full responsibility for any and all condition that may or may not occur in conjunction with such practice. It is further recognized that the individual, throughout the act of utilizing PWP teachings, techniques, sessions or technologies, thereby through this act agrees to release The Peaceful Warrior Project, LLC, all authorized PWP Bio-Spiritual Healing Program Teachers and facilitators, authorized PWP translators/authors. teachers promoters and any individuals and organizations thereto related, from any and all claims of liability or damages perceived or assumed to occur in conjunction with involvement in PWP teachings, techniques, sessions or technologies. This statement of terms and Conditions represents a written Notice of Implied Agreement and Consent to Liability Release in regard to involvement with PWP teaching, techniques, sessions and technologies. This Notice of Implied Agreement and Consent of Liability Release represents a reiteration in specific written format of previously provided notice as to the necessity of taking personal responsibility for any and all consequences arising from chosen involvement with the PWP paradigm. It is recognized that the implied Agreement and Consent to Terms and Conditions of Liability Release stated here within is accepted and enacted as such upon the act of chosen involvement with and/or practice of PWP teachings, techniques, and technologies. If one is uncomfortable or in disagreement with this stated Notice of Implied Agreement and Consent to Terms and Conditions of Liability Release, it is suggest and recommended that one choose at this time non-involvement with said teachings, techniques and technologies, until a future time wherein such concerns have been assuaged.


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