Sunday, May 12, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

How To Boost Brain Energy and Longevity with NAD and NMN | Dr. Elena Seranova

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In this episode, my guest is Dr. Elena Seranova, a research scientist and the CEO of the anti-aging company NMN Bio. Her research on neuronal aging and anti-aging has been published in various high-quality, peer-reviewed journals, including Cell Reports and the Journal of Molecular Biology. She’s on a mission to transform how we approach and optimize human health. Her main areas of research and interest are NAD+ metabolism, autophagy, health span optimization, stem cell biology, and insulin sensitivity.

In this episode, Dr. Seranova explains the practical aspects of the NAD molecule and its role in youthfulness, especially the youthfulness of the brain. We discuss NAD’s role in mental energy levels and fatigue. We cover how natural NAD decline after age 25 can lead to fatigue, brain fog, and aging. We also discuss her research on counteracting brain oxidative stress with NAD-boosting supplements and amino acids. Finally, Dr. Seranova gives tips and tools for NMN supplements, brain nutrients, and brain health in general – especially regarding maintaining mental energy levels.

Dr. Elena Seranova:

NMN Bio:
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00:00:00 Intro
00:01:40 NAD+, NADH, NAD pools
00:02:15 NAD, Energy, DNA Repair & Longevity
00:03:00 Tool: NAD For Hangovers (Dehydrogenase)
00:03:44 Aging, NAD Decline
00:04:04 Brain Fog & Fatigue
00:05:20 Brain, Protein & Fats
00:06:08 NAD & Alcohol
00:07:38 Best Age to Start Supporting NAD
00:09:56 Dr. Seranova: Supplement Routine
00:11:27 Dr. Seranova: Why I Started Taking NMN Supplement
00:12:25 Dr. Seranova: PhD & NMN
00:14:07 Inflammation & CD38
00:15:00 Tool: Blocking CD38: Quercetin, Apigenin, Fisetin
00:17:10 Tool: Brain Anti-Aging Compounds
00:16:54 Issue: Blood-Brain Barrier & Medications
00:15:00 Blocking CD38: Quercetin, Apigenin, Fisetin
00:20:24 Research: Brain Autophagy & NAD
00:22:13 Autophagy, Brain
00:24:00 Research: Autophagy, Brain Metabolism & Amino Acids
00:26:15 Research: Rescuing Neurons, Tryptophan
00:28:00 Research: MitoQ Supplement
00:28:40 Research: NAD boosters
00:29:38 Research: Autophagy & Mitochondria
00:30:20 Research: DNA damage
00:33:05 Research: Tryptophan (De Novo Pathway)
00:34:45 Research: NMN, NR & NAMPT (Salvage Pathway)
00:36:50 Research: NMN vs NR
00:37:20 TMG supplement
00:38:20 Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Brain Health
00:39:54 Tryptophan Needs and Stress
00:41:29 NR vs NMN?
00:45:12 Tool: NMN Protocol, TMG
00:46:25 Tool: NMN Dosage
00:47:44 Tool: 40 Hz binaural Beats and Deep Sleep
00:50:39 NMN Bio
00:51:12 Tool: Meditation for HRV
00:52:45 Tool: Intermittent Fasting for Autophagy
00:54:17 Links: NMN Bio, Dr. Seranova, research


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10 thoughts on “How To Boost Brain Energy and Longevity with NAD and NMN | Dr. Elena Seranova
  1. Great interview! Question: Elena said about 40hz for sleep telling the cells its time for deep sleep… but said to listen first on waking in am? Clarification would be appreciated & any link to research a plus. Thank you, Jamie

  2. Better to get unbiased and free of conflict of interest opinions. She thinks 40 Hz trick your brain like is sleeping and that is wrong! 40 Hz is more close to gamma wave frequency than to slow 2 hz delta sleep brain waves.

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