Monday, May 13, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

The "Father of Biohacking" Dave Asprey

Jay sits down with the “father of biohacking” Dave Asprey to talk about how he transitioned from computer programming into biohacking, and how that grew into a practice that has become mainstream today. Plus Dave talks about how pro athletes are turning back the clock on their body’s aging, which is why pros are playing into their 40’s now. Dave also dives into intermittent fasting and how it took him fasting in a cave for four days to unlock how it works and what it can do for your energy levels. Jay also drills Dave about his desire to live to 180 years old, and while Jay doesn’t believe it, Dave breaks down how people in previous generations – before advanced medicine and health science -have lived to 100-120 years old and he just wants to do 50% better. Dave also breaks down all the supplements that he takes, and the ones that are out there for consumers, and how they all work and what they do for you.


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